Upon training for my first marathon, I found Yoga as a source of cross training to help me get through the twenty mile long runs. I knew there was something more to yoga than just the physical components and I couldn’t find it here in the Midwest. In 2009, I stumbled upon Ashtanga Yoga while living in Southern Florida. Two years later, I began making yearly journeys to study Ashtanga Yoga from the source in Mysore, South India.
In January of 2016 after four trips (nine months total) studying at the Ashtanga school under the guidance of my teacher, Sharath Jois in Mysore, India, I was authorized to teach the method. Over my decade of daily practice, I have learned how to balance yoga while continuing to run and juggling the mom duties!
I think there is a common misconception that you have to be flexible to practice yoga. Yoga is not about flexibility, yoga is about calming the mind and finding that stillness within yourself. Such benefits of flexibility, strength and decreased stress are but byproducts of this practice. Yoga can benefit everyone who is willing to learn and it is essential to work one on one with a teacher for that guidance and support.
Health & Nutrition Coaching
From 2010-2012 I attended Sai Ayurvedic College with a month long program in Kerala,. India studying Ayurveda therapies. I graduated in 2012 as a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner as well a receiving an associates degree in Vedic studies.
I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in December of 2022.
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