My Philosophy on Social Media
So you come up with an exciting project and you feel totally aligned with this. You feel joy, excitement and passion towards this project. You visualize it and structure how it is going to go. None of this seems like work, it’s all play. In fact, play, I believe, is a creative dance with the universe. This is a highly vibration process. Everyone is creative, if you say “I am not a creative person” you just haven’t found it yet. You haven’t found your outlet.
For me, it is myself. Maybe for others too. You don’t have to find a painting hobby or drawing - in fact, I am horrible at that. I find myself to be very creative and never thought so until I started taking selfies as a way to document my journey. I was working in an abusive work environment, so every morning I would take a selfie to remind myself - this person is more than what they are telling me I am.
I grew to love these selfies and discovered a lot about myself. Like, wow, I would totally want to date this person and take her home type of feeling. You have felt that about yourself? No? Well get practicing.
It is easy to not feel creative in today’s world, especially if you are working an office job. Shuffling papers, making copies, so mechanical as you have to follow strict rules. Any rules will obliterate the creative process, set up boundaries and you won’t be able to feel free. This all needs to be a yes mentality. It’s like sex.
So how do you find the creativity within yourself? You can do this through social media. OMG how embarrassing! But yes, not only are you finding this within yourself, you are sharing it to the world and thus creating practices of vulnerability, humility and embarrassment. You have to think - how can I embarrass myself today? How can I lose followers? How can I piss off my mom and family? When close friends and family begin asking you - what are you doing? You know you are doing it right.
People say social media is all distraction and a waste of time, well yes that is correct, but use it to your advantage. Look stupid and silly. The big key is you are not creating any of this content for friends and family, these people will NOT be your fans, they will be your biggest critics. You need to create content as if there are thousands of yourself watching this. You have to post something and say, well at least I liked it. Or at least it makes sense to me.
You won’t have any following for sometime, maybe even never. But right now that’s not the point. Using Instagram reels is a great way to do this because others will see your content. The will judge, they will send to their friends and make fun of you, they will feel jealous, unstable and threatened if you do it right. They may un-follow, good. Then you did your job.
This is the beginning of creating a personal brand - no filters, well unless it’s the Barbie filter lol. But no filters when it comes to yourself. You have to think, wow I am such an amazing person and the world is missing out on knowing me. If you think I am such an amazing person, only my friends and family are worthy of knowing me - this is an ego problem. You feel like this may be more grounding and stable, but no you’re insecure because you are fearful of what others will think.
No one knows us except our own self. Anyone’s perception of us is in fact just their reflection of themselves. To be creative is to dance with the universe, so go out and dance. Dream up photoshoots, make it happen. Don’t rely on anyone else to do this. Do it all yourself. Be self sufficient with your creativity. Oh and be consistent, everyday you must do this. Every day. Yes I believe in everyday philosophy as you know. The days you feel “ugly” document that.
So anyway, enjoy this practice and let me know how it goes!